Provet Cloud
Step 1: Login to your Provet Cloud Account
Step 2: Navigate to Settings in the lower left hand corner
Step 3: Click on Integrations
Step 4: Scroll down to "Open API access" section, and hit "Add Application"
Step 5: Search for "myBalto Foundation" and click on "Save" at the bottom.
Step 1: From your Provet hospital homepage, click "Catalog" on the toolbar located on the left side of your screen.
Step 2: Once on your "Catalog" page, select "Items" on the left side of your screen and then "Items from the drop down menu.
Step 3: If your company has multiple locations, make sure you confirm the current location you are trying to add the myBalto Foundation line item to. Select "Add Item" --> Add Procedure.
Step 4: Under the "General" tab in the "Item Description" section, enter the following information:
- Name: myBalto Foundation Donation
- Print name: myBalto Foundation Donation
- Code: 9999 (we use this code so it is easily recognizeable for our team to pull the donations once a week from your hospital and put them into your myBalto Fund).
- Internal Instructions: When checking out a client, ask them, "Would you like to round-up $1, $3, or $5 to help pets in need at our hospital?"
- External Reporting Code: 9999
- Leave all other fields either blank or to their default setting (including those in the "Item Options" section)
Step 5: Under the "Stock and Pricing" tab, go to the "Pricing" section. Adjust the "Without Sales Tax" to 1.00. Additionally, under the "Pricing Options" section, the "Sales Tax Group" should remain at "0%" as there is not tax on a donation. Then click "Save" in the bottom left hand corner.
Step 6: Confirm the myBalto Foundation line item in your system by searching for it within your system. You should also see a green "confirmation box" at the top of your screen after you click "Save" from the previous step.
Step 7: Once you have added the myBalto Foundation Donation line item and connected your integration, you will go back to your dashboard and click on "settings" and then "users".
Step 8: You will then click on "Virtual" under the General - Users
Step 9: You will see at the bottom there is a line item with "Integration" as the first name and "myBalto Foundation" as the last name. You will also take note of the "Permission Group". You want this to be tied to "Users". If it is under any other name, place take a screenshot and send it to us in an email.
Step 10: You will then scroll down to the section titled "Permission Groups" and look for the "Users" line. You will then click on the button located on the far right side of that line item that looks like a shield.
Step 11: A window will appear and you will scroll down until you see "Settings". Under settings are 3 lines that need to have a check mark for the "READ" box . The "Items" line, the "Item Description" line and the "Item Selling Price" line.
Step 12: Scroll down to the bottom and click "Save" and you are good to go!
Step 1: Within your patient's medical record, you can go down to the "Treatment Items" section and search for "myBalto". The donation item will come up for you to select.
Step 2: Depending on the owner's response to the "round-up" question, you can either change the quantity to 1, 3, or 5 to match the donation being given. You are welcome to do use decimal values as well (i.e. round up is $1.33 so the "Quantity" would be 1.33).
Step 3: Check owner out as normal!